1 Magnificent Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stock That Cathie Wood Is Betting Big On

Cathie Wood and her team at Ark Invest are often seen as some of the most forward-thinking investors. As a result, many people examine Ark's portfolio to find innovative ideas to add to their own holdings. While Ark's largest holding, Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA), is somewhat predictable, its second-largest holding is not.

That stock is UiPath (NYSE: PATH) when all of Ark's exchange-traded funds are combined. With the investment making up just over 6% of the firm's resources, it's a significant bet. Should you follow Wood's lead and invest in UiPath? Let's find out.

While we are learning about all of the uses of artificial intelligence (AI), there are more practical steps to automating processes that many companies should be focused on first. Robotic process automation (RPA) is one of those technologies, since it makes employees more efficient.

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Source Fool.com