1 Remarkable Growth Stock to Buy Hand Over Fist Before It Soars 742%, According to 1 Wall Street Professional

Over the past decade, Ark Investment Management has carved out a niche for itself by identifying investment candidates among disruptive and emerging technologies. In the company's Big Ideas 2023 report, Ark laid out its thinking for a number of innovative fields, including robotics, 3D printing, digital wallets, and public blockchains, among others. Ark's founder, Cathie Wood, rose from obscurity by making early calls on a series of disrupters, including LinkedIn (now owned by Microsoft), Nvidia, Bitcoin, and (NASDAQ: TSLA).

After taking it on the chin in 2021 and 2022, the ARK Innovation ETF (NYSEMKT: ARKK) has come roaring back, gaining roughly 68% last year, far outpacing the 24% gain of the S 500. Its performance was driven by impressive returns from Coinbase Global, Exact Sciences, and Shopify.

Tesla also remains one of the Ark Innovation ETF's largest holdings with a 7.8% portfolio weighting valued at roughly $668 million, but Wood believes there is much more upside potential. In one of Ark's most controversial calls, Wood suggests Tesla stock will likely rise to $2,000 by 2027, representing a potential gain for investors of 742% compared to Tesla's closing price as of this writing. Her bull case is even more ambitious, suggesting the stock soar to $2,500 per share over the coming four years, which would represent a gain of 953%. What are the chances the stock could achieve returns of that scale, and how should investors approach Tesla stock? Let's look at the evidence.

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Source Fool.com