3 ETFs That Are Screaming Buys in June

Many investors understand the wisdom behind exchange-traded funds (ETFs). These investment vehicles provide the easy trading features and simplicity of a stock along with the diversification and flexibility that come with owning a professionally managed portfolio. ETFs offer access to large, yet focused, stock portfolios through a single ticker.

However, they're not all created equal. While one of the benefits of investing in ETFs is reduced risk, some ETFs are still quite risky. And while some ETFs might be secure investments, they won't maximize your investable money.

Then there are the ETFs that offer some level of security while also maximizing your potential gains. The Invesco QQQ Trust ETF (NASDAQ: QQQ), Vanguard Growth ETF (NYSEMKT: VUG), and Vanguard S 500 ETF (NYSEMKT: VOO) are three examples of funds in this category. Here's why you might want to buy them in June.

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Source Fool.com