3 Stocks the World's Best Investors Are Buying Now

Picking winning stocks is a difficult task, even for experienced investors. But the most successful folks on Wall Street have resources the rest of us don't, and (by definition) a reasonably good track record. So if you're looking for some new stock ideas -- or for a reason to revisit ones you've passed over before -- it can be a good move to look what billionaires and famous investors have been buying lately.

We asked a trio of Motley Fool contributors to take a look at the stocks some of the world's best investors are talking about right now, and pick the ones that interest them most. They came back with Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL), Syncrony Financial (NYSE: SYF) and Amazon.com (NASDAQ: AMZN). Here's why these companies have caught the eyes of top investors, and gotten the thumbs up from these Fools.

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Source: Fool.com