3 Warren Buffett Stocks That Everyone Should Own

If you want to improve your investment acumen, it pays to learn from the best. And no investor is as prominent and successful as Warren Buffett.

Also known as the "Oracle of Omaha," the veteran investor has chalked up an amazing investment track record since he purchased his first investment at the tender age of 11. Together with his partner Charlie Munger, Buffett runs Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK.A)(NYSE: BRK.B), an investment holding company with stakes in both listed stocks and wholly owned businesses.

Berkshire has grown into a $744 billion behemoth and has reported a 19.8% compounded annual gain from 1965 to 2022, handily beating the S 500 index's 9.9% return over the same period. Warren Buffett is well-known for his long-term focus and views buying stocks as becoming part-owners of businesses.

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Source Fool.com