4 Things Noble Corporation's Management Thinks You Should Know

It's funny how much things can change in a couple of years. It wasn't that long ago that Noble Corporation (NYSE: NE) looked like a company that was in deep trouble with a huge fleet of older rigs and few growth prospects on the horizon. Fast forward to this past quarter, and the company's fleet has improved through attrition and some strategic moves. Also, the company is one of the better-financed operations left in the offshore market that is also generating a good amount of work for its rigs. 

Now that the company is well suited to ride out the rest of the storm, it's worth considering what's next for the company. According to management's most recent conference call, that change will likely come in the form of improving technology and preparing for the next big wave of offshore drilling. Here's a selection of quotes from the company's most recent conference call that give a peek into what is on management's mind.

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Source: Fool.com