A Bull Market Is Coming: 1 Phenomenal Index Fund Could Turn $500 Per Month Into $1 Million

The S 500 sits about 9% below its all-time high at the moment, meaning the index is 9 percentage points away from bull market territory by the most conservative definition. That threshold is worth highlighting because the S 500 returned an average of 186% during the last nine bull markets, and many stocks will undoubtedly soar during the next one. And history says there will be a next one.

The S 500 covers 11 stock market sectors, as defined by the Global Industry Classification Standard, and the information technology sector consistently outperforms the others over long periods of time. Investors can spread capital across that sector by purchasing the Vanguard Information Technology ETF (NYSEMKT: VGT), and doing so could turn $500 per month into $1 million (or more).

The Vanguard Information Technology ETF tracks 319 U.S. stocks, the vast majority of which belong to the information technology sector. Its constituents generally fall into three categories: hardware and equipment providers like Apple and Cisco Systems, software and services vendors like and Adobe, and semiconductor and semiconductor equipment manufacturers like Nvidia and Broadcom. Indeed, those six stocks are the six largest holdings in the index fund.

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Source Fool.com