An Unprecedented Investment Opportunity: 2 Top Growth Stocks To Buy and Hold for the Next 20 Years to Cash in on the AI Revolution

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a revolutionary technology. And according to an estimate by PwC, it could contribute a staggering $15.7 trillion to the global economy in 2030. That's more than the current combined economic output of China and India.

The AI revolution requires four factors to thrive: Renewable power, data centers, semiconductors, and computing capacity. That aligns perfectly with the strategies of siblings Brookfield Renewable (NYSE: BEPC)(NYSE: BEP) and Brookfield Infrastructure (NYSE: BIPC)(NYSE: BIP). It makes them great growth stocks to buy for those seeking to capitalize on the unprecedented AI investment opportunity.

Brookfield Corporation, the parent company of Brookfield Renewable and Brookfield Infrastructure, has aligned its investment focus around several key megatrends. CEO Bruce Flatt wrote about the opportunity in electricity in his second-quarter letter to investors:

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