Are the Bears Right About Tesla Stock?

Another quarter, another (NASDAQ: TSLA) earnings report covered in great detail. Retail investors' most owned stock gets tons of love from the financial media, and for good reason: It has crushed the market over the past 10 years. Shares have posted returns around 10x the market average in the last decade, with the company now sporting the 9th largest market capitalization in the world. Having a famous CEO like Elon Musk doesn't hurt, either.

But there are still a lot of bears who are skeptical of Tesla's future, especially after its stock price has climbed so quickly. They claim that Tesla trades at a premium earnings multiple, faces growing pressure from competitors, and is failing to revamp its products to expand its electric vehicle (EV) customer base. 

Are the bears right? I think they might be. Here's why. 

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