Better Buy: General Dynamics Corporation vs. Lockheed Martin

The military industrial complex often gets a bad rap because it manufactures the machines of war. However, much as we may dislike what companies like General Dynamics (NYSE: GD) and Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) make, recent headlines about North Korea, Russia, and Syria suggest that world peace isn't around the corner anytime soon. Indeed, serving the U.S. military is both a vital and profitable niche market.

But if you're interested in investing in one of the defense industry leaders like General Dynamics and Lockheed, which one should you pick?

I'm going to step back and look at this pair using a side by side comparison the way Benjamin Graham did in his highly influential investing classic The Intelligent Investor. This, however, is a look at the numbers, not a deep dive into the future opportunities at General Dynamic or Lockheed. The truth is, I don't need to dig that deep to make a choice here.

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