Bitcoin to $1 Million? It's Always Possible, but Highly Improbable

As adults, we're taught that "get rich quick" is nothing more than a myth. With the exception of winning the lottery or hitting it big in a casino, wealth is typically built over one's lifetime through smart long-term investments. The stock market, for example, has gained 7% annually throughout its history, inclusive of dividend reinvestment and adjusted for inflation.

However, 2017 has turned the get rich quick debate on its head thanks to the year-to-date returns of cryptocurrencies. The aggregate market cap of all virtual currencies combined began the year at just $17.7 billion, but as recently as the end of November they briefly crept above $325 billion. That's good enough for a 1,700% return in a matter of 11 months. For some folks, that's a lifetime's worth of investment gains generated in less than a year.

Image source: Getty Images.

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