Buying Tesla Taught Me a Costly Lesson

Once upon a time, I was convinced that Elon Musk was a genius with a world-changing vision. I bought my first (NASDAQ: TSLA) shares in the summer of 2014, citing five unique company qualities. I liked the company's radical approach to research and development, the game-changing value of lifetime Supercharger fill-ups for free, and the dealer-less system of factory-direct car sales.

But above all else, I called Musk a "brilliant" innovator whose long-term vision "makes the world a better place." That was the heart of my thesis

So I bought a few Tesla shares that month and doubled down on that investment when the Tesla bears were running wild in October 2019. That turned out to be a good idea, and my Tesla shares skyrocketed over the next three years. All told, my Tesla investment netted me a 16-fold return on the original cash commitment.

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