Can Johnson & Johnson Really Start Growing Again?

It's hard to satisfy investors -- even a strong performance can just lead us to want more. Case in point: Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ). Though the healthcare giant's stock has posted a solid double-digit percentage gain during the year -- outperforming the broader market -- in the past three months, it has essentially stalled.

So shareholders are hoping that when J&J releases its third-quarter financial report on Oct. 17, it will offer some upbeat news that supports its fundamental growth story. And they're also looking for reassurance that the company's recent strategies are paying off.

Right now, those following the stock expect to hear that Q3 brought continued modest gains in revenue and earnings. Yet the bigger question will be what new opportunities J&J might be exploring that could accelerate its expansion in the years to come. Let's look more closely at the healthcare conglomerate's prospects, and what investors should expect from its pending financial report.

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