Charlie Munger Just Singled Out These 5 Warren Buffett Stocks as "No-Brainer" Picks

Famed stock-picker Charlie Munger is 99 years old and still going strong. The Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK.A) (NYSE: BRK.B) vice chairman remains an astute investor, along with his business partner of nearly 50 years, Warren Buffett.

The Acquired podcast released an interview with Munger this week that covered a wide range of topics. And the legendary investor singled out five stocks Buffett has bought that he views as "no-brainer" picks.

Buffett and Munger don't always see eye to eye. As Buffett wrote to Berkshire shareholders earlier this year, though, when they disagree, Munger has a go-to line: "Warren, think more about it. You're smart, and I'm right."

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