Chevron Stock: Buy, Sell, or Hold?

Conservative investors should probably err on the side of caution and stick with the largest, best-run, and financially strongest companies. (NYSE: CVX) certainly stands tall on each of those benchmarks. However, that doesn't instantly make Chevron a buy, and some conservative investors might never want to own it.

Here's a quick look at Chevron and why you might want to buy it, hold it, or sell it.

With a market cap of roughly $310 billion, Chevron is one of the largest energy companies on the planet. Its business includes exposure to the upstream, midstream, and downstream segments of the industry. That's oil and natural gas drilling, energy pipelines and transportation, and refining and chemicals, respectively. This varied exposure helps to even out the company's performance over time, since downstream businesses often benefit when energy prices are declining, and vice versa.

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