Everybody Hates Chipotle's Queso

What if Chipotle Mexican Grill (NYSE: CMG) threw a queso party and nobody came? Last week was supposed to be a big deal for the former fast-casual darling. It rolled out queso nationwide on Tuesday, giving the chain the same melted cheese topping that its smaller rivals have been pouring over burritos and chips for years. 

Investors are digging the move. The stock moved higher in four of the five trading days last week, soaring 4% along the way. Unfortunately for Chipotle, there's a disconnect between Wall Street and Chipotle's customers. The early reviews haven't been kind. Chipotle's push to make its queso different and all-natural has created a product that's standing out -- but not in a good way. 

Image source: Chipotle Mexican Grill.

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Source: Fool.com