Ford Motor Co.'s Sales Dipped in Europe in June

Despite an incredible number of analyst projections, as well as guidance from major automakers, it seems we never quite know what to expect from the auto industry. During June, Japanese automakers gained market share in the U.S. on Detroit's big three, despite the surging popularity of SUVs and full-size trucks -- segments that domestic automakers have long dominated. Vehicle sales in China spiked, but many attributed that jump to discounting and aggressive pricing, which no automaker's shareholders want to see. And Europe -- which has yet to feel the full impact of Brexit -- has arguably been the quietest of the markets. 

But here's what we do know: Ford Motor Co. (NYSE: F) ended its second quarter with declining monthly sales in Europe, and the region's make-or-break Q2 results are due to be released on July 26. In the meantime, here are the highlights of how Ford did in Europe in June for investors to chew on.

Ford's sales in its traditional 20 European markets (Euro 20) declined 1% year over year in June to 128,400 units. That trimmed a small 20 basis points from the automaker's total market share in the region, reducing it to 7.5%. The weakness derived from its passenger vehicle sales, which were down 5% to 95,600. That was partially offset by a 10% jump in commercial vehicle sales to 32,800 units.

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