Here's Why Sangamo Therapeutics Rose as Much as 14.9% Thursday

Shares of biopharma Sangamo Therapeutics (NASDAQ: SGMO) rose nearly 15% today after the company received favorable coverage in multiple media outlets. Biotech thought leaders STAT Plus and Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News published articles reminding readers that CRISPR isn't the only gene editing technology available as a potential treatment -- or cure -- for rare metabolic disorders and other genetic diseases.

In fact, the company's zinc finger nuclease (ZFN) technology made headlines weeks ago as the first gene editing tech to enter a clinical trial. CRISPR tech isn't expected to enter the clinic until next year, when Editas Medicine initiates a trial aiming to treat a rare eye disease.

As of 3:17 p.m. EDT, the stock had settled to a 12.3% gain.

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