Here's Why the Best Is Yet to Come for BofI Holding

Banking is one of the most important and necessary industries there is. It has also proved to be a treacherous place to invest. Banks are highly leveraged and have nearly direct exposure to the economy, making them very susceptible to big losses when the economy goes into the eventual and unavoidable recession every so often. History is also littered with both major and minor banking crises that have seen plenty of banks fall victim to bad risk management at the wrong time and wiped out shareholders. 

But the best-run banks have proved to be some of the best long-term investments, generating life-changing returns for investors who invest and hold through good and bad times. BofI Holding, Inc. (NASDAQ: BOFI) is set to potentially be one of those rare, life-changing investments. Keep reading to learn why the best is yet to come for BofI Holding, and for its investors. 

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