Is Energy Transfer Stock a Millionaire-Maker?

Can you become a millionaire by investing in Energy Transfer (NYSE: ET) stock? Absolutely. Over the long term, shares have proven a terrific investment. And given the company's unique asset base, there's a good chance this performance will be repeated in the years to come.

There's only one catch: If you don't invest in this stock in a certain way, you may forfeit your chance of reaching the $1 million mark.

Since 2006, Energy Transfer's stock price has risen by just 187%. The S 500, meanwhile, produced a total return of 489%. On the surface, Energy Transfer hasn't proven a great long-term investment. But this is why it's critical to look at a stock's total return, not just its share price movement. Total returns account for actions that can affect shareholder profits -- like dividends and spinoffs -- but that aren't necessarily reflected accurately in the stock price.

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