Is It Time to Buy This Magnificent Warren Buffett Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stock?

If you've looked into artificial intelligence (AI), one thing is clear: The more data you have, the better trained your model will be. However, collecting data and structuring it so it's usable is a challenge in its own right.

With many companies sitting on a gold mine of information without compiling it to be used, they are turning to Snowflake (NYSE: SNOW) for help. Since going public, Snowflake has been one of the fastest-growing companies on the market, which even inspired Berkshire Hathaway to take a position in the stock before it hit the public markets.

Snowflake has also had a strong couple of months, rising from about $140 per share to $200. So, is this the start of an even larger movement? Or should investors be wary? Let's find out.

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