Is This the Easiest Way to Beat the Stock Market?

As an investor, you're always looking for a way to outperform the overall stock market. If not, why even attempt active investing? You can pick your choice of indexed funds, passively take what the market gives you, and hope it's enough to secure your financial future.

However, what if there was a simple way to outperform the market? According to multiple studies, there is: just invest in founder-led companies, as they tend to outperform their peers. According to a study from Purdue's Krannert School of Management, the data suggests "founder CEOs are more effective and efficient innovators than professional CEOs" and those innovations "create more financial value" than those from professional CEOs.

Another study from global consulting firm Bain and Company, by way of the Harvard Business Review, found that over the years 1990-2014, "an index of S&P 500 companies in which the founder is still deeply involved performed 3.1 times better than the rest."

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