Jeff Sessions May Soon Have a Green Light to Wage War on Medical-Marijuana Businesses

The U.S. marijuana industry has witnessed a number of major changes over the past two-plus decades. Since 1996, when California became the first state to legalize medical cannabis for compassionate use, 28 other states have followed suit.  In addition, since November 2012 eight states have legalized recreational weed.

This expansion in both medical and adult-use pot is all thanks to a discernable change in how the public views marijuana. Before the legalization of medical cannabis in California in 1996, only a quarter of the population wanted to see the drug legal across the country. However, in Gallup's October 2016 survey, an all-time record 60% of respondents were in favor of legalizing the drug nationwide. Growing acceptance of marijuana leads some pundits to believe that lawmakers in Washington will have no choice but to change their stance on cannabis or risk being voted out of office.

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