Prediction: This Will Be Warren Buffett's Best AI Stock Over the Next Five Years

Warren Buffett is broadly considered to be history's best value investor. After acquiring a controlling stake in Berkshire Hathaway at a price of $18 per share in May 1965, the Oracle of Omaha used what had been a struggling textiles business as the foundation and namesake for what would become the world's most successful investment conglomerates. Today, a single share of Berkshire's Class A stock trades at more than $500,000 per share.

But while Berkshire's investment strategies remain broadly value-oriented, Buffett's company does own positions in some potentially explosive growth stocks. Within that mold, it also has exposure to the rapidly unfolding artificial intelligence (AI) revolution -- and I believe one stock in the Berkshire portfolio looks particularly promising.

Read on to see why I think that this company will be Buffett's best-performing AI stock over the next five years. 

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