RALLYE S.A.: Annual results 2022

RALLYE S.A.: Annual results 2022

22-March-2023 / 19:04 CET/CEST
Dissemination of a French Regulatory News, transmitted by EQS Group.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


Annual results 2022



The Board of Directors of Rallye has acknowledged the results announced by Casino for the financial year ended 31 December 2022 as well as the sale by Casino of 18.8% of Assaí’s share capital for an amount of €723.2m, in order to accelerate its deleveraging. Rallye draws the attention of investors to the fact that the safeguard plans depend primarily on the ability of Casino to distribute sufficient dividends, the principle and amount of which will depend on Casino’s financial position, the implementation of its strategic plan and, in particular, its disposal plan. Rallye therefore considers that the risk factor related to the implementation of the safeguard plans has increased (cf. Universal registration document 2021 of the company, page 49, « Risks relating to the implementation of the safeguard plans »).


Rallye will liaise with its creditors in order to examine the possibilities and possible ways of adjusting its safeguard plan.


The consolidated and annual financial statements for 2022 were closed by the Board of Directors on
22 March 2023. They were established on a going concern basis[1] taking into account the forecasts made by Rallye for the next twelve months, which show a cash position (€19m at 31 December 2022) compatible with the operating costs of the structure and the future commitments taken within the safeguard plan[2].


The audit procedures have been performed by the statutory auditors and the certification reports are about to be issued.


(in €m)


2020 (restated*)

Net sales






EBITDA margin

7.4 %

8.2 %

Trading profit



Trading profit margin

3.3 %

3.8 %

Net profit (loss) from continuing operations, Group share



Net underlying profit (loss) from continuing operations, Group share



Net profit (loss), Group share




Rallye’s consolidated net sales amounted to €33.6bn and trading profit was €1,107m as at 31 December 2022. The net underlying loss from continuing operations, Group share, amounted to - €220m as at 31 December 2022.


1. Holding perimeter [4]

Global tender offer launched by Rallye on its unsecured debt

On 9 May 2022, the Paris Commercial Court approved the amendment to Rallye safeguard plan allowing the effective completion of the global tender offer on its unsecured debt launched on 23 March 2022. Rallye acquired a total amount of unsecured debt of €242.3m for a total repurchase price of €36.6m reducing the amount of its debt by €234.9m (including accrued interest). The tender offer was settled on 16 May 2022.

Net financial debt of Rallye’s holding perimeter

The bridge between Rallye’s holding perimeter gross financial debt and net financial debt is detailed below: 

(in €m)

31 Dec.

31 Dec. 2021

Claims secured by pledges over Casino shares



Unsecured claims



Claims secured by pledges over shares of Rallye subsidiaries (other than Casino)



Total - claims under the safeguard plan



Financings issued after the enforcement of the safeguard plan  



Total - gross financial debt



Cash and other financial assets (1)



Total - net financial debt (before IFRS restatements)



IFRS restatements (including the impact of the approval of the safeguard plan) (2)



Total – net financial debt



Of which €19m at Rallye company level at 31 December 2022, including the drawing in June 2022 of the €15m financing subscribed to Fimalac, vs. 16 M€ at 31 December 2021 As part of the safeguard procedure, the restatement of financial liabilities in accordance with IFRS 9 - Financial Instruments - amounted to €265m at 31 December 2022 versus €343m at 31 December 2021. The decrease observed over the year is mainly due to the second global tender offer carried out early 2022.

The accounting treatment comprising a reduction of the financial liability and as counterpart the future increase of the interest expenses is the translation of the IFRS 9 standard and does not amend the repayments undertakings or the financial liability to be reimbursed.



Rallye’s holding perimeter gross finacial debt stood at €3,100m as of 31 December 2022, down - €78m, mainly as a result of:

Financial interests (excluding IFRS) of €134m over 2022, which will be repaid in accordance with the repayments undertakings approved by the Paris Commercial Court on 28 February 2020 and 26 October 2021 and its contractual documentation. Unsecured debt tendered for a total amount of €242.3m for a total repurchase price of €36.6m reducing the total amount of its debt by €234.9m (including accrued interest).

Rallye’s holding perimeter net financial debt, before IFRS restatements, amounted to €3,080m as of 31 December 2022, compared to €3,161m as of 31 December 2021.


The change in Rallye’s holding perimeter net financial debt over the year breaks down as follows:

(in €m)



Net financial debt (opening)



Financial interests (excluding IFRS)



Holding costs



Net impact of the global tender offers on unsecured debt (1)






Variation of IFRS restatements (including the impact of the approval of the safeguard plan)



Net financial debt (closing)



Excluding IFRS restatements (i.e. the accelerated amortization of liabilities under the IFRS 9 standard for the acquired debt), the net impacts of the global tender offers carried out early 2021 and 2022 would amount to €156m and €235m respectively.


After taking into account the change in IFRS restatements (+€9m in 2022 and -€52m in 2021), Rallye’s holding perimeter net financial debt amounted to €2,815m as of 31 December 2022.


The execution of the safeguards plans of Rallye and its parent companies depends mainly on Casino’s distributive capacity as well as various refinancing options. The distributive capacity of Casino is framed by its financial documentation which authorises the distribution of dividends[5]  when the ratio of gross financial debt to EBITDA including leases (France Retail + E-commerce) is below 3.5x. As at 31 December 2022, the gross financial debt to EBITDA including leases ratio was 6.86x versus 6.47x at 31 December 2021 (see table in Appendices).

Rallye company level annual result

Rallye’s net loss for 2022 was - €1,696m (vs. – €334m in 2021). In particular, it incorporates a non-recurring financial product of €235m linked to the second buyback of unsecured debt and an impairment on Casino shares of an amount of – €1,768m in order to reduce their net book value to the value in use calculated at 31 December 2022, representing a value in use per share of €43.31 (vs. €74.49 as at 31 December 2021). As at 31 December 2022, Rallye’s shareholders equity was thus negative -€601m[6] (vs. €1,095m as at 31 December 2021).



2. Casino’s activity [7]


Casino Group’s consolidated net sales amounted to €33.6bn in 2022, up +5.2 % on same-store basis4, up +3.8 % on an organic basis[8] and up +10.0 % as reported after taking into account the effects of exchange rates (+6.4%), fuel (+0.3%), calendar effect (-0.2%) and changes in scope (-0.3%).

In the France Retail scope, net sales rose +1.5% on a same-store basis, driven by a dynamic performance in buoyant formats. Including Cdiscount, same-store growth in France came to a negative 2.6%. E-commerce (Cdiscount) gross merchandise volume (GMV) was €3.5bn[9], with an increase in the marketplace contribution to 52% (+6 pts vs. 2021)5. Sales in Latin America were up by +12.3% on a same-store basis4, mainly driven by the very good performance in the Cash & Carry segment (Assaí) and Grupo Éxito.

Casino Group’s consolidated trading profit came to €1,117m, a change of -5.9% including currency effects (-3.6% excluding tax credits) and of -12.1% at constant exchange rates (-5.2% excluding tax credits).

In France (including Cdiscount), trading profit stood at €440m, including €482m on the France Retail scope and -€42m for Cdiscount. Trading profit for the retail banners (France Retail excluding GreenYellow and property development) was €421m (vs. €479m in 2021), with a trading margin of 3.0%. Trading profit came to €30m for property development and to €31m for GreenYellow. E-commerce reported a -€42m trading loss (vs. €18m trading profit in 2021), impacted in particular by the increase in depreciation and amortisation linked to investments made over the last few years to expand Octopia’s operations. In Latin America, trading profit excluding tax credits was up +10.9% year on year, driven by Assaí (+44% excluding tax credits), in line with business growth. Including tax credits[10] (€28m in 2021 and €0m in 2022), trading profit was up +6.1% to €677m.

Consolidated net debt was €6.4bn (vs. €5.9bn at end-2021), including €4.5bn in France[11] (€4.9bn at end-2021) and €1.9bn in Latin America (€979m at end-2021). In France, the reduction in debt was notably due to bond redemptions and to the Segisor repayment (€150m). The increase in debt in Latin America is the result of higher debt at Assaí owing to its investment plan.

At 31 December 2022, the Casino Group’s liquidity in France (including Cdiscount) was €2.4bn, with €434m in cash and cash equivalents and €2.0bn in confirmed undrawn lines of credit available at any time[12]. The balance of the unsecured segregated account was €36m at 31 December 2022, enabling the Casino Group to meet its January 2023 debt servicing obligations.

At 31 December 2022, the Group complied with the covenants contained in the revolving credit facility. The ratio of secured gross debt to EBITDA (after lease payments)[13] was 3.1x[14], within the 3.5x limit, representing debt headroom of €270m and EBITDA headroom of €77m. The ratio of EBITDA (after lease payments) to net finance costs stood at 3.0x (above the required 2.5x), representing EBITDA headroom of €115m.


3. 2023 Casino’s priorities in France


Operational efficiency and development

Inventory reduction plan: -€190m in the first half of the year, offsetting end-2022 excess inventory New cost reduction plan: -€250m in the retail banners Acceleration of the expansion strategy in convenience formats: +1,000 stores representing more than €500m in full-year gross sales under banner



Completion of the disposal plan in France: €400m by the end of 2023 Continued monetisation of assets in Latin America Debt decrease



Press contact:


Étienne Dubanchet +33 6 62 70 09 43 etienne.dubanchet@plead.fr




This press release was prepared solely for information purposes and should not be construed as a solicitation or an offer to buy or sell securities or related financial instruments. Similarly, it does not give and should not be treated as giving investment advice. It has no connection with the investment objectives, financial situation or specific needs of any recipient. No representation or warranty, either express or implicit, is provided in relation to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the information contained herein. It should not be regarded by recipients as a substitute for exercise of their own judgement. All opinions expressed herein are subject to change without notice.





Annual results 2022 

(consolidated data)



(in €m)


2021 (restated)

Net sales






Trading profit



Other operational income and expenses



Cost of net financial debt



Other financial income and expenses



Profit (loss) before tax



Income taxes



Share of net income of equity-accounted investees



Net profit (loss) from continuing operation, Group share



Net underlying profit (loss) from continuing operations, Group share



Net profit (loss), Group share






Rallye simplified balance sheet

(consolidated data)


(in €m)


31 Dec.2022

31 Dec.2021 (restated)

Non-current assets




Current assets












Non-current financial liabilities




Other non-current liabilities




Current liabilities










Reconciliation of reported profit to underlying profit



Underlying net profit corresponds to net profit from continuing operations, adjusted for (i) the impact of other operating income and expenses, as defined in the "Significant accounting policies" section in the notes to the consolidated financial statements, (ii) the impact of non-recurring financial items, as well as (iii) income tax expense/benefits related to these adjustments and (iv) the application of IFRIC 23.

Non-recurring financial items include fair value adjustments to equity derivative instruments, the effects of discounting Brazilian tax liabilities, the restatements and impacts of the implementation of IFRS 9 following Rallye’s safeguard plan approval, the deferment for two years of the payment dates and the net results of the global tender offers carried out by Rallye in 2021 and 2022.


(in €m)


Adjusted items

2022 underlying

2021 restated

Adjusted items

2021 restated underlying

Trading profit







Other operating income and expenses







Operating profit







Cost of net financial debt (1)







Other financial income and expenses (2)







Income taxes (3)







Share of net income of equity-accounted investees







Net profit (loss) from continuing operations







o/w attributable to non-controlling interests (4)







o/w Group share







Cost of net financial debt restatements mainly relates to the implementation of IFRS 9 - Financial Instruments following Rallye’s safeguard plan approval in 2020 and amended in 2021, as well as the cancellation of the interest calculated, since the start of the safeguard procedure, on Rallye’s unsecured debt repurchased during the tender offer made in the 1st half of 2022. Other financial income and expenses have been restated for the positive net impacts of Rallye’s global tender offers carried out in the first half 2021 and 2022. Income taxes have been restated in accordance with items restated above. Non-controlling interests have been restated for amounts associated with the above restated items.



Estimated repayment profile of Rallye’s liabilities

(in €m)


The estimated repayment profile of Rallye’s liabilities incorporates the impact of the tender offer on the unsecured debt (see "1. Holding perimeter" of this press release) and the impact of the forward yield curve.

It is detailed in the press release attached to this article and available on the company' website: https://www.rallye.fr/en/press/press-releases.





Additional Information

Gross debt to EBITDA ratio governing the distribution of dividends

in Casino’s financial documentation


Financial information for the 12-month period (France Retail + E-commerce scope) ([15])

(in €m)

31 Dec.2022

31 Dec.2021

Net sales






(-) impact of leases ([16])



(i) EBITDA including leases



(ii) Gross debt ([17])



(iii) Cash and cash equivalents



Gross debt to EBITDA ratio (ii/i)





* The 2021 financial statements have been restated to reflect the retrospective application of IFRS IC decision with regard to the costs of implementing, configuring and customizing software in SaaS mode.

[1] The notes to the annual financial statements will indicate that there is significant uncertainty about Rallye’s going concern related to Casino’s ability to distribute sufficient dividends and/or the possibility of amending Rallye’s safeguard plan by the deadline of February 2025.

[2] As a reminder, no payment is due under the safeguard plan in 2023

[3] EBITDA = trading profit + current depreciation and amortization expense

[4] Rallye’s holding perimeter is defined as Rallye and its subsidiaries holding the investment portfolio

[5] Beyond ordinary dividend representing 50% of net profit attributable to owners to the parent, with a minimum of €100m per year from 2021 and an additional €100m that may be used for one or several distributions during the life of the debt instruments.

[6] The company Rallye, benefiting from a safeguard plan, shall not be required to apply the procedure for convening an extraordinary general meeting for the purpose of deciding whether or not to dissolve and the reconstitution of equity if the dissolution is not pronounced in accordance with the provisions of Article L 225-248 paragraph 7 of the Commercial Code.

[7]  More detailed information about Casino activity is communicated directly by the subsidiary

[8]  Excluding fuel and calendar effects

[9]  Data published by the subsidiary

[10]  Tax credits restated by subsidiaries in the calculation of adjusted EBITDA and adjusted trading profit

[11]  France including Cdiscount, GreenYellow and Segisor

[12] Subject to compliance with covenants tested at the end of each quarter

[13] As defined in the refinancing documentation

[14] Secured debt of €2.1bn and EBITDA after lease payments of €690m

[15] Unaudited data, scope as defined in bond refinancing documentation with mainly Segisor and Wilkes accounted for within the France Retail + E-commerce scope (including GreenYellow)

[16] Interest paid on lease liabilities and repayment of lease labilities as defined in the refinancing documentation

[17] Loans and borrowings

Regulatory filing PDF file

File: PJ

Language: English Company: RALLYE S.A. 103 rue la Boétie 75008 Paris France Phone: 01 44 71 14 00 Internet: http://www.rallye.fr/ ISIN: FR0000060618 Euronext Ticker: RAL AMF Category: Inside information / News release on accounts, results EQS News ID: 1589771   End of Announcement EQS News Service

1589771  22-March-2023 CET/CEST