Should You Still Buy the Dow Jones' Best-Performing August Stocks?

What's the first rule of investing you learned? For most of us, it's probably "Buy low and sell high." That's certainly the right start to your journey as an investor too, since every other lesson builds on that simple one.

The premise, however, is potentially short-sighted. It implies you should only buy stocks at a low point following a pullback. The lesson can be so well-learned, in fact, that stepping in during or after a rally can feel downright uncomfortable. This conflicts with one of the lessons you'll learn later in your journey... that is, take every prospective stock pick on a case-by-case basis. Sometimes there's good reason to buy a stock that's already rallying.

With that as the backdrop, here's a closer look at the Dow Jones Industrial Average's (DJINDICES: ^DJI) three best-performing stocks last month. More gains may be in store.

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