The 3 Best Buffett Stocks for Retirees

Arguably, no one has done better with buy-and-hold investing than Warren Buffett. In a span of more than six decades, the Oracle of Omaha has transformed less than $10,000 into a fortune of more than $80 billion. But the best part about Buffett's strategy, which involves buying high-quality companies and hanging onto them for the long run, is that it can work for you, too. 

Buffett's investing style can be particularly helpful to retirees, who are often looking to invest in stocks that provide income and stability. So what are the best Buffett stocks that a retiree can consider buying today? We posed this question to three of our investors, and they chose Visa (NYSE: V), Bank of New York Mellon (NYSE: BK), and Kraft Heinz Company (NASDAQ: KHC)

Image source: The Motley Fool via Flickr.

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