The S&P 500 Just Did Something It Has Only Done 3 Times in the Last Quarter-Century. The Stock Market Usually Soars Next.

Year to date, the S 500 (SNPINDEX: ^GSPC) had advanced 10.4% as of Thursday, May 23, 2024. That seemingly arbitrary date was actually the 100th trading day of the year. The S 500 returned at least 10% during the first 100 trading days only three other times in the last quarter-century, according to JPMorgan Chase.

So what? Under those circumstances, the S 500 has historically performed very well throughout the remaining months of the year. Here's what investors should know.

The S&P 500 is widely considered a benchmark for the entire U.S. stock market. Since its inception in 1957, the index has returned at least 10% during the first 100 trading days of the year 18 times. It finished the year even higher 15 times, or 83% of the time, with the only exceptions being 1975, 1983, and 1987.

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