This Female CEO/CFO Partnership Is Breaking Barriers and Delivering Market-Beating Returns

While there are plenty of examples of successful female CEOs and CFOs in the industrial world (UPS CEO Carol Tome and General Electric's CFO Carolina Dybeck Happe spring to mind), it's not often you come across a female CEO/CFO team in the industrial sector. However, nVent Electic's (NYSE: NVT) CEO Beth Wozniak and CFO Sara Zawoyski break the mold, and they also have a track record of delivering excellent returns for investors. Here's why they are a management team to watch.

According to Pew Research,  15% of engineering jobs in 2019 were held by women. That figure is up from 12% in 1990, but it's still significantly below potential. It's also below the 22% of female graduates in engineering as of 2018. 

Still, it's safe to conclude that Wozniak's engineering background and wealth of experience at Honeywell, , and then nVent (after it was spun out of Pentair) make her an exception in the industrial world. However, Wozniak stands out because of the value she and Zayowski have generated for shareholders over the last three years. nVent stock is up 124% over that period compared to a 37.6% return for the S 500

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