This Investment Turned $1,000 Into $2.2 Billion in Less Than 8 Years

Traditionally, the stock market is the go-to investment for people who understand the value that time and compounding can bring to the table. Over its long history, the stock market has returned an average of 7% annually, inclusive of dividend reinvestment. This works out to a rough doubling of your invested nest egg once a decade.

Recently, though, all eyes have been on the incredible returns of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin. This year, bitcoin is approaching a nearly 600% gain, and it's up well over 2,000% since its low point in 2015. By comparison, the broad-based S&P 500 has taken decades to return what bitcoin has in just two years. In fact, bitcoin's market cap recently touched $110 billion, which is larger than quite a few established Dow Jones Industrial Average components.

Image source: Getty Images.

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