This New Analysis Could Be an Invitation for a Federal Crackdown on California's Marijuana Businesses

If you're a marijuana stock investor, there's a good chance you've been seeing green over the past couple of years. With few exceptions, the weed industry has been able to expand into new U.S. states and countries. This includes the June 2017 legalization of medical cannabis in Mexico, the possibility of a recreational legalization in Canada by July 2018, and the fact that 29 U.S. states have legalized pot to some varied degree over the past 22 years. 

At the heart of this expansion is a fundamental change in how the public views marijuana. According to a CBS News poll from 1979, just 29% of those surveyed wanted to see pot legalized. Comparatively, an all-time record high 61% of respondents in April 2017 affirmed that they wanted to see weed legal across the United States. With this sort of support, it's not hard to see why investors expect changes at the federal level.

However, expecting the federal government to follow the majority in this instance could be foolish (with a small "f").

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