Want to Invest Like Warren Buffett? Buy This Stock in 2024 and Never Sell

Everyone can learn from legendary investor Warren Buffett. CEO of Berkshire Hathaway and titan of the investing industry for decades, Buffett is a role model for many investors with his value-oriented philosophies. Putting up market-beating returns since the 1950s -- yes, that's right, the 1950s -- he has earned the moniker, "Oracle of Omaha."

It can pay to track what Buffett is buying for his investment portfolio at Berkshire Hathaway. He recently made a big bet on U.S. energy stocks, with Occidental Petroleum (NYSE: OXY) becoming one of his largest positions. If you want to invest alongside Buffett, it may be smart to buy some Occidental Petroleum stock for your own portfolio. Here's why.

We can't read his mind, but Buffett probably likes Occidental Petroleum for a few reasons. First, we know that he values investing in the United States over other countries due to its favorable laws for businesses and shareholder rights. It is also his home country, and therefore easier to understand compared to a faraway nation.

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Source Fool.com