Warren Buffett's Portfolio Is Concentrated in a Few Stocks -- Should You Follow His Lead?

Warren Buffett is well-known for his investing success and timeless wisdom. Buffett's company, Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK.A), a holding company of many companies, has also experienced much success in the stock market. So much so that investors sometimes choose to mirror Berkshire's portfolio stock-by-stock.

When Berkshire released its holdings as of the end of the first quarter of 2023, one thing that stuck out to me was just how concentrated its portfolio was. With so many investors following Buffett's lead, should you join and concentrate your portfolio? Probably not.

A concentrated portfolio isn't all bad; its upside is virtually limitless when it works out. Consider the fact Apple represents more than 47% of Berkshire's portfolio.

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Source Fool.com