Where Are Snapchat's Teen Users Coming From?

Snapchat's biggest strength is its highly engaged young user base. Snap (NYSE: SNAP) says its users under 25 spend an average of over 40 minutes per day using Snapchat. While Snap doesn't break out what percentage of its 173 million daily users are teenagers, anyone who knows anything about social media knows teens love Snapchat.

In fact, teens' love for Snapchat is growing. Piper Jaffray's semiannual "Taking Stock With Teens" survey found 47% of respondents prefer Snapchat over other social-media apps, such as Facebook (NASDAQ: FB), Twitter (NYSE: TWTR), Instagram, and Pinterest.

It's important to note that preference doesn't necessarily affect active-user numbers. Indeed, Instagram's active users have exploded in the recent past even as preference has declined slightly. That said, it's a good indicator for not only where Snapchat's users are coming from, but also for how Snapchat is taking a chunk out of the time spent in other apps, which is ultimately more important than a user count.

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Source: Fool.com