Where Will Nucor Corporation Be in 10 Years?

U.S. steel giant Nucor Corporation (NYSE: NUE) is an industry leader, and it has rewarded investors incredibly well over the years. For example, it has an amazing 44-year history of consecutive annual dividend increases -- despite that fact that it operates in the highly cyclical steel industry. But that's the past. Where will Nucor be in 10 years?   

Nucor is one of the lowest-cost producers of domestic steel. It uses flexible electric arc mini mills, has a vertically integrated business that gives it material control over its input costs, and it has a unique profit-sharing pay model that rewards employees when times are flush, but asks them to share in the pain during the lean years (which helps protect Nucor's margins). It also has a highly diversified product portfolio, with a focus on moving up the value chain toward higher-margin steel products. In addition, the steel company has a rock-solid balance sheet. Nucor is really built to lead today.

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Source: Fool.com