Decisions of the Board of Directors

Thierry Lambert appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors
Naturex Foundation renamed "Naturex Foundation - Jacques Dikansky"

Press release

Avignon, 18 October 2012 - Naturex, the global leader in speciality plant-based natural ingredients, informs its shareholders of the decisions of the Board of Directors' meeting of 16 October 2012.

Chairmanship of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors approved the appointment of Mr. Thierry Lambert as Chairman of the Board of Directors, for a period corresponding to his term of office as director or until the end of the Annual General Meeting that will be called to approve the financial statements for the fiscal year ending 31 December 2017.

Thierry Lambert will continue to serve as the Group's Chief Executive Officer.

Current composition of the Board of Directors:

Thierry Lambert

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Naturex;
Stéphane Ducroux

Chief operating Officer for the America/Asia-Pacific Regions

and Vice Chairman of Naturex Inc.;
Olivier Lippens

Independent Director and Executive Officer of Finasucre;
Paul Lippens

Independent Director and Executive Officer of Finasucre;
Olivier Dikansky

Appointed by co-optation by the Board of Directors' on 30 August 2012.

Naturex Foundation - Jacques Dikansky

Furthermore, in homage to Jacques Dikansky who passed away on 30 September 2012, the Board of Directors decided that the Naturex Foundation be renamed "Naturex Foundation-Jacques Dikansky".

"Jacques Dikansky's passing was met with great sorrow both within Naturex and among its partners. I wish to thank all those, customers - suppliers - shareholders - bankers, who expressed their support and sympathy for this loss. By associating his name with the Naturex Foundation, we wish to pay homage to his contribution to its solidarity projects and are committed to pursuing his work by continuing our active role in the area of social and environmental responsibility", commented Thierry Lambert, Chairman-CEO of Naturex.

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About the Naturex Foundation - Jacques Dikansky

The Naturex Foundation - Jacques Dikansky (as it is now named) is an independent entity, created in March 2008 under the leadership of Naturex's founder, Jacques Dikansky. With its own financial resources, it supports public interest projects on a not-for-profit basis to provide education, medicine and basic necessities for local populations in regions where Naturex sources its raw materials.

Naturex Foundation - Jacques Dikansky contributes to programs with a strong human and environmental dimension through proactive partnerships with associations engaged in projects that improve quality of life for local populations in the countries where Naturex operates. To ensure its funding resources are used to maximum benefit, Naturex Foundation - Jacques Dikansky works exclusively with NGOs that operate under principles of complete financial transparency.

An endowment fund has been set up to allow third parties to make donations to the Foundation (Payments in the name of Naturex Fund).

Contact: Antoine Dauby, Secretary of Naturex Foundation - Jacques Dikansky -


About Naturex

Naturex is a global leader in speciality plant-based natural ingredients.

The Group is organised around three strategic markets (food & beverage, nutrition & health and personal care) and produces and markets specialty plant-based ingredients for the food, nutraceutical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.

Naturex's head office is based in Avignon. The company employs more than 1,300 people with high-performance manufacturing operations across 15 sites in Europe (France, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Poland) as well as in Morocco, the United States, Brazil and Australia. It also has a global presence through a dedicated network of sales offices in 21 countries (France, Italy, Spain, Morocco, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Russia, U.A.E., Thailand, Singapore, Japan, China, Korea, Australia, the United States, Canada, Brazil, Mexico and India).

Naturex's development is supported by positive underlying trends linked to the fast-growing demand for natural products and its capacity to provide manufacturers customised solutions to meet the requirements of their end consumers. The Group's strength lies in its positioning with specific products which constitute niche markets, supported by strong sourcing capacity and sustained research & development.


Naturex has been listed on NYSE Euronext Paris, Compartment B (Mid Caps), since October 1996

Total number of shares comprising the share capital: 7,728,079

7,049,580 ordinary shares (ISIN FR0000054694)
678,499 preferred shares (ISIN FR0010833251)

Naturex is component of the CAC Small and Gaïa indexes.

Naturex is eligible for "long only" Deferred Settlement Service (SRD).

Naturex established a Sponsored Level 1 American Depositary Receipt (ADR) program in the United States. Under this facility, Naturex' ADRs are traded over-the-counter in the United States under the symbol NTUXY.

SYMBOL: NRX - Reuters: NATU.PA - Bloomberg: NRX:FP - DR Symbol: NTUXY



Thierry Lambert

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Tel: +33 (0)4 90 23 96 89



Carole Alexandre

Investor Relations

Tel: +33 (0)4 90 23 78 28
Anne Catherine Bonjour

Actus Finance Press Relations

Tel: +33 (0)1 53 67 36 93

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