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01.10.24 / Tradegate WKN: 645000 / Name: LPKF / Stock / Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment / Small Cap /
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LPKF Laser & Electronics AG Stock

A loss of -2.730% shows a downward development for LPKF Laser & Electronics AG.
For the coming years our community has positive and negative things to say abot the LPKF Laser & Electronics AG stock. Criterium "Worthwhile Investment for the next years" gathered the most positive votes but regarding "Non-cyclic/Cyclic" there were negative voices in the community.

Pros and Cons of LPKF Laser & Electronics AG in the next few years

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Performance of LPKF Laser & Electronics AG vs. its peers

Security Change(%) 1w 1m 1y YTD 3y 5y
LPKF Laser & Electronics AG -2.730% -2.483% 3.971% 19.917% -12.727% -54.977% -32.235%
Aixtron SE -2.840% -0.541% -10.490% -55.449% -59.547% -26.862% 68.265%
Viscom AG 0.930% -2.624% -5.114% -58.250% -57.987% -70.702% -66.331%
Süss MicroTec SE -2.030% 14.070% 17.617% 213.103% 145.848% 194.805% 765.311%

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The analysis provided is generated by an artificial intelligence system and is provided for informational purposes only. We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the analysis, and we are not responsible for any errors or omissions. Use of the analysis is at your own risk.
Last updated at 2023-05-17

The financials of LPKF, a company operating in the Semiconductors and Semiconductor Equipment industry, initially give a mixed impression. While there have been some promising development in key financial metrics, there are also areas of concern that warrant closer examination. In-depth analysis of the financial statements is essential to identify the strengths and weaknesses that could impact LPKF's future performance.

Growth in Total Assets: Over the three financial years from 2020 till 2022, total assets have consistently increased, from €121,655,000 to €138,380,000. This implies that LPKF has been effective in expanding its asset base.

Decreasing Total Liabilities: Total liabilities declined from €40,037,000 at the end of 2021 to €43,865,000 in 2022. A reduction in liabilities is a positive sign, as it indicates that the company is managing its debt effectively.


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