10 Fantastic Reasons to Buy Welltower Stock and Never Sell

The best way to invest is to find great businesses, and then buy and hold their stocks for a long time -- maybe even forever. That holds true in healthcare as well as in any other part of the market. But because of healthcare's complexity and the risks attached to pharmaceutical stocks and biotechs, many struggle to invest in this huge growth sector.

The good news is, you don't have to buy risky biotechs to invest in healthcare. In fact, you can buy big, well-diversified companies with much simpler business models, including estate investment trusts (REITs). Welltower (NYSE: HCN) is one such REIT. It owns buildings that healthcare businesses lease.

Let's talk through the top 10 reasons, then, to buy Welltower stock and hold it forever.

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Source: Fool.com