12 Tax Changes Joe Biden Wants to Make

Though it can be hard to look past the unprecedented disruption brought on by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, Americans across the country are just 72 days away from heading to their local voting booths or mailing in their ballots for Election Day. As we learned from 2016, a lot can change in a matter of weeks. But as things stand now, nearly all polls suggest that Democratic Party nominee Joe Biden will unseat incumbent Republican Donald Trump for the presidency come November.

While there's still a lot to be decided -- 10 weeks is an eternity in the political landscape -- Biden's lead in the polls has brought his policies into greater focus. In particular, voters and economists are beginning to hone in on Biden's tax plan, which aims to raise between $3.3 trillion and $3.7 trillion in additional federal tax revenue over the next decade if implemented fully in 2021.

Here are the 12 big tax law changes the former vice president is calling for.

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Source Fool.com