140-Plus Reasons to Remain Bullish on Palantir's Growth Prospects

Artificial intelligence (AI) is shaping up to be a big growth opportunity for Palantir Technologies (NYSE: PLTR). The data analysis company benefited from a surge in demand and its phone is ringing off the hook with calls from businesses eager to take advantage of AI.

That heightened interest is just the latest reason why investors should remain bullish on the company's growth prospects. Let me explain.

One of the best ways to win over customers is to show them the benefits of a new product or service. And that's what this company is doing with boot camps for its Palantir Artificial Intelligence Platform (AIP). These AIP boot camps aim to help customers and potential customers identify possible use cases for their businesses in five days or less. One of the designed outcomes is to also help train users for an initial rollout.

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Source Fool.com