1 Cathie Wood Stock That Could Deliver Life-Changing Returns in 10 Years

Cathie Wood, founder and CEO of Ark Invest, has a unique approach to investing. She targets companies that are creating and applying disruptive technologies in fields such as artificial intelligence (AI), autonomous vehicles, genomics, and biotech. These companies have the potential to deliver sizable returns in a short time span, but they also come with a high degree of uncertainty and volatility.

Wood believes that by investing in innovation, she can capture the long-term growth opportunities that traditional investors miss. As a result, she hasn't hesitated to buy shares of early-stage innovation companies well ahead of the Wall Street crowd.

Prime Medicine (NASDAQ: PRME) is a perfect example. Wood has been purchasing shares of the pre-clinical gene-editing company for her ARK Genomic Revolution ETF (NYSEMKT: ARKG) since the company's initial public offering (IPO) in October of 2022.

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Source Fool.com