1 Cathie Wood Stock That Could Make You a Millionaire

Cathie Wood and her team at Ark Invest are known to invest in some of the most innovative businesses out there. While some think they are too far out there, individual investors can examine their holdings and research each company to decide whether it's for them.

One that caught my attention is Ark's second-largest holding across all funds: UiPath (NYSE: PATH). Ark owns more UiPath stock than other heavy-hitters, like Roku, , and Block Inc, showing how much it believes in the company. After taking a closer look, I can see why they are so excited about the company. 

UiPath is a great way to capitalize on the artificial intelligence (AI) trend without getting caught up in the hype. Its robotic process automation (RPA) software allows users to automate repetitive tasks. When AI is added to the platform, it increases the number of tasks that can be automated. Users can also deploy UiPath's AI to monitor employees to detect tasks that may be automated.

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Source Fool.com