1 Concerning Number From Warren Buffett's Annual Shareholder Meeting That Should Raise Flags for Investors

Billionaire investor Warren Buffett and his company Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK.A)(NYSE: BRK.B) had their annual meeting earlier this month. As always, the event was full of insights for investors, who often mimic Buffett's investing moves. This time around, what stuck out to me wasn't what Buffett was saying or which stocks he was buying, but about what he was not doing. And that's evident through one number.

As of the end of March, Berkshire had $189 billion in cash and equivalents on its books, which is a record for the company. And Buffett says that figure is likely to grow even higher. "It's a fair assumption that they'll probably be at about $200 billion at the end of this quarter," he said.

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Source Fool.com