1 Financial Disaster That Happened to Me, But You Can Avoid

It was my first year out of college, and I'd landed a decent job at a hedge fund with a respectable salary and modest benefits -- some vacation time, a retirement savings plan, and a health plan. That health plan, however, covered medical issues only. It did not include dental insurance, and because I was focused on paying off my student loans at the time, I was too cheap to buy some. As such, I made every effort to avoid the dentist -- perhaps to an unhealthy extreme.

One night, I was biting down on a hard candy when I felt a strange sensation in my mouth. I walked over to a mirror, and turns out, I'd managed to break off a chunk of one of my bottom teeth. I was annoyed, but not really in pain, so I did what I thought was the logical thing -- I spit out the chipped-off tooth chunk and called it a night.


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Source Fool.com