1 Green Flag for Etsy, and 1 Red Flag

Etsy (NASDAQ: ETSY) thrived at the pandemic's onset as millions of people flocked to the platform to buy custom-made masks. The article of clothing was mandated by governments worldwide for folks who wanted to leave their homes and enter public spaces. That tailwind is retreating as most governments have eliminated the requirement.

That can explain, in part, why Etsy's stock is down considerably off its highs. Still, the e-commerce company has at least one green flag to counter the red flag of economic reopening.

Of course, it's not surprising that Etsy would benefit from the pandemic's onset. The e-commerce retailer offered consumers a safe way to shop when local, non-essential, brick-and-mortar retail stores were forced to shut their doors temporarily. Impressively, Etsy has retained and even expanded on the millions of new customers it added during the surge. In its most recent quarter, which ended on March 31, Etsy boasted 95.1 million active buyers. That was an increase of nearly five million from the 90.6 million active buyers it claimed at the same time in the prior year.

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Source Fool.com