1 Magnificent Opportunity That Could Supercharge Kinder Morgan's Growth

Kinder Morgan's (NYSE: KMI) growth engine has been running low on fuel in recent years. The company's earnings have only risen 9% since 2016, while its cash flow from operations is up 11% over that time frame. That's primarily due to a sizable decline in expansion-related spending as it's finding fewer attractive opportunities to grow its core fossil fuel infrastructure footprint.

While the company has started transitioning to lower-carbon fuels, like producing renewable natural gas and handling renewable diesel, they're minor growth drivers. However, one potential game-changing growth opportunity it's evaluating is the emerging carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration (CCUS) sector. It already has expertise in transporting and utilizing carbon dioxide, making it an ideal extension of its existing capabilities.

Kinder Morgan operates a leading North American energy infrastructure business. It has the largest natural gas pipeline transmission network. It's also the largest independent transporter of refined products and the largest independent terminal operator. These businesses supply the company with about 91% of its earnings.

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Source Fool.com