1 Monster Growth Stock Down 80% To Buy Now And Hold Forever

In the deepest, darkest depths of the early coronavirus recession, Roku (NASDAQ: ROKU) stock changed hands at just $58 per share. The crash quickly turned into a soaring rebound when investors realized that lockdowns would be good for this company's business prospects, especially since a ton of new video-streaming services were hitting the market. By February 2021, the media-streaming technology expert's shares had skyrocketed to $487 -- a gain of 736% from bottom to top.

But the gains didn't last. When COVID-19 vaccines became widely available, and the pandemic started to fade out, many investors concluded that Roku's glory days were over. The stock is back down to $84 per share these days, more than 80% below last year's lofty peak.

And that massive price cut spells a tremendous investment opportunity for you and me. The powers that be are making a huge mistake here because Roku's growth story is just getting started.

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Source Fool.com