1 No-Brainer Dividend Stock to Buy for Less Than $60

Investors often make the process of finding stocks more complicated than it needs to be. Rather than hunting for a tiny hidden gem that Wall Street isn't noticing, investors can get excellent returns just by picking stocks representing already established businesses with dominant market shares. The phrase "winners keep winning" comes to mind.

Few companies have a more dominant industry position than Coca-Cola (NYSE: KO), which sells billions of its beverages each day. The company pays a meaty dividend that amplifies returns, as well. And the best news is that you can own the stock for what amounts to a steal at today's prices.

Coke is on strong growth footing today. Sure, sales volumes were sluggish in the most recent quarter as consumers scaled back on spending, compared to a year earlier. Yet Coke has still boosted organic revenue by 11% over the past six months, allowing management to raise its growth outlook in late July.

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Source Fool.com