1 No-Brainer ETF to Buy in October

Warren Buffett doesn't think most people should try to pick individual stocks. He doesn't believe they need to do so. Instead, the Oracle of Omaha recommends that most investors put their money into a low-cost S 500 index fund. In his 2013 letter to Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK.A) (NYSE: BRK.B) shareholders, he suggested going with a Vanguard fund.

That's good advice. The Vanguard 500 Index Fund ETF (NYSEMKT: VOO) tracks the S 500, has low expense fees, and has performed well over the long run. But I think that tweaking Buffett's recommendation a little could be an even better way to invest right now. Here's one no-brainer exchange-traded fund (ETF) to buy in October. 

It's hard to argue against Buffett's logic. To pick stocks that are likely to be winners over the long term requires a lot of analysis. Many people don't have the desire or time to do what it takes. Index funds, particularly ETFs, provide a great way to buy a large basket of stocks in one fell swoop. Buying low-cost funds also makes sense because high expenses can eat into your profits.

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Source Fool.com