1 Sign Tesla Might Crush Its Guidance This Year

Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) provided investors with an impressive outlook for 2022 when it reported fourth-quarter results in late January. Even in the face of global supply challenges, the electric-car maker said in its fourth-quarter earnings call that it expects deliveries this year to increase at a rate that's "comfortably above 50%."

This is particularly impressive when investors consider that this is on top of 87% growth in 2021. So much for a tough global-supply environment slowing down the automaker.

But what if I told you there's a good reason to believe that Tesla could potentially grow its deliveries at a rate that's well over 50% in 2022? While this may not sound believable to investors who aren't following the company closely, an outcome like this is becoming increasingly plausible.

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Source Fool.com